When we first met Tristan, we were struck by his contagious enthusiasm, incredible knowledge of the bush and his deep sense of empathy. Wise beyond his years, with a wicked sense of humor, and helpful by nature we are thrilled to have this young man join the Tanda Tula guiding team.
Having grown up in the Kwazulu-Natal bush in the east of South Africa and working up in the Pafuri region for the past 2 years, it was a lifelong dream for Tristan to get the chance to explore the Timbavati. He fell in love with the bush as a young boy travelling with his family and to visiting various wildlife parks in Kwazulu-Natal. This passion soon grew into a career choice when he took his first job as a guide in the Greater Kruger Region.
Tristan is passionate about walking and has accumulated an incredible 1500 plus hours on foot in the bush. His best thing about being in nature is “simply the feeling you get, the vast openness, the quietness mixed together with the noisiness.” He is also a very keen birder, imparting with his knowledge in such a humble way you almost take it for granted.
He is extremely excited to be part of the Tanda Tula team and says he loves the fact that there is such a feeling of family amongst his colleagues, there is always banter and time for a catch up. Tristan loves people and is thrilled to be out here meeting guests and getting to know new people, as well as having the opportunity to see the world from different perspectives.
When he is not on game drive, you will find him playing golf or fishing, he is a self-proclaimed bore! And when asked what his last meal on earth would be, he doesn’t wait a second before replying: “My gran’s scones”. She has been making them for him since he was a kid and now when he visits, she sends him back to the bush with a tub full. All of us at Tanda Tula are extremely excited to try these delicious scones when he returns from his next leave.
Welcome to the family Tristan, we are thrilled to have you on the team and look forward to your photos and stories, which we will be sharing on our social media platforms, so everyone can get to know you better.